Pastel Pop Collection Bulletin Board Sets

$13.99 Sale

Pastel Pop Alphabet Bulletin Board - The eye-catching colors and lively designs of this bulletin board will make learning the alphabet fun! Alphabet cards measure 5-1/2" x 8-1/2" and number cards 0–10 measure 4-1/4" x 5-1/2". 37 total pieces.

Pastel Pop Amazing Things Happen Here Bulletin Board - These encouraging statements guide students to create a harmonious, respectful, and supportive classroom environment! Includes 15 positive messages, 16 accents, and a teacher’s guide with suggested activities. Each AMAZING letter is about 8-1/4" tall. 42 total pieces. 

Pastel Pop Believe That You Can Bulletin Board - This large bulletin board can be seen throughout the classroom to remind students to reject negative self-talk and trust in their abilities. Includes 13 bunting pieces, 11 star accents, and a teacher’s guide with suggested activities. Each BELIEVE letter is about 14-1/4" tall. 30 total pieces.

Pastel Pop Calendar Bulletin Board - With its dreamy design, this calendar becomes a functional and cozy central display piece in your classroom. Calendar set comes with easy-to-read number pieces, colorful monthly headers, and additional pieces for holidays and special occasions as well as pieces for yesterday, today, and tomorrow. Blank calendar measures 24" x 18". 115 total pieces.

Pastel Pop Number Line (-20 to +120) Bulletin Board - Use this versatile display to teach about even/odd numbers, positive/negative numbers, and math operations. 15 number line pieces, 8 accents, and a teacher’s guide. 23 total pieces.

Pastel Pop Pennants Welcome Bulletin Board - Use GIANT letters to create a welcome sign that no one can miss! Each letter is 14" x 9.5". The whole word spans about 7' long, or longer if the letters are spread out! Includes 46 multi-purpose blank cards and a teacher’s guide. 53 total pieces.

Pastel Pop Believe in the Power of Yet Mini Bulletin Board - Foster a learning environment that encourages a growth mindset with this dazzling and inspiring bulletin board. Each BELIEVE letter is 5" tall. Includes 8 statements, 8 yet pieces, 3 shooting stars, and a teacher’s guide with suggested activities. 31 total pieces.

Pastel Pop Classroom Jobs Mini Bulletin Board - Add a burst of airy, soft colors to your classroom with this jobs mini bulletin board that is sure to be a standout. The set includes titles for Calendar, Clean-Up Crew, Lights, Line Leader, Messenger, Papers, Pencils, Supplies, and Teacher's Helper plus blank pieces that you can customize. Includes 16 star accents. Header piece measures 12" x 5-1/8". 64 total pieces.

Pastel Pop Happy Birthday Mini Bulletin Board - Spotlight students on their special day with this delightful birthday mini bulletin board. Includes two “Happy Birthday” title pieces, 12 monthly headers, one frame, 11 accents, 36 labels, and a guide with suggestions and activities. The “Birthday” piece measures approximately 20" x 3". 62 total pieces.

Pastel Pop Positive Affirmations Mini Bulletin Board - Your students will feel valued with these eye-catching visual reminders of their worth in soothing pastel colors. Includes 4 positive sayings and 20 positive affirmation stars. The “Affirmation Station” title piece measures 21" x 6". 25 total pieces.


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